Thursday, February 26, 2009

Motley Just Turned 5 St

Nice article here on some stock candidates
CTCM.... Russian Stock definitely worth a look at these prices...
HAYN... metal for industry use
SMTS... medical devices

Also I would like to add
NETC... Brazilian Wireless Communications
CRNT... Israeli Wireless Backhaul
ARRS... Just came across this and know nothing about it except 5 star rating

CTCM, NETC, have ridiculous fundamentals... important when prices drop to these levels

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Strong Stocks for the next Bear Rally

Here's an excellent article from Market Watch's 'The Technical Indicator' that describes strong stocks. These should do well when the market overall decides to rally. It includes the charts and exlpanations so it fits nicely into 'Ninja Trades'.

The stocks are:
The fertilizers (POT, AGU, MOS)
SA (Gold Miner)... run too much for me but a good company to know about in safe Canada
NETL (semiconductor)
NUVA (medical devices)
ISIL (Tech)
SOHU (Chinese online search, advertising, and more)
PRXL (Biotech)

I would also like to add:
HGSI (Biotech)
CMED (Chinese Biotech)

More as I come across them...........

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Prez Day Charts

Gap ups and meeting resistance

Great Short Set Up on SIGM

Ditto on CSTR